Back on home soil the rest of the Toyota Specialized team took on the Prince George 100 Miler

Posted on October 23 2024

The Prince George 100 Miler, a gruelling 170km race with 2400m of climbing, saw the Toyota Specialized Racing Team tackle one of South Africa’s most iconic routes, starting in Prince Albert and finishing in George. It was a day marked by determination, teamwork, and some impressive solo efforts across the
board. For Alex Miller and Johan van Zyl, this was their debut at the Prince George 100 Miler. The race kicked off with a neutralized 5km section before the ascent up the legendary Swartberg Pass, where the real race began. Alex quickly found his rhythm on the Swartberg Pass, leading from the front alongside Travis Stedman. As
the climb progressed, the field began to splinter. “Herman Fourie dropped off first, followed by Johan Van Zyl and Arno du Toit, leaving just Travis and me. A little later, Travis started to fade, and I pressed on solo to the top. The view was surreal with clouds covering the pass, making for an incredible experience," said
Alex. After reaching the summit with a 50-second lead, Alex eased up slightly, aware of the long road ahead. “I knew Travis wasn’t far behind, so I rode at a comfortable tempo, and eventually, he caught me just after the first water point. From there, we worked well together.” However, the race wasn’t without its challenges. “Halfway through, I hit a water crossing and knocked my front wheel, losing some pressure. I decided to play it safe and changed the wheel at the feed zone. Travis showed great sportsmanship, waiting for me, and we got back into a rhythm," Alex recounted.

At around the 135km mark, things took a decisive turn. “We hit a really bumpy section, and I decided to push hard through it. Before I knew it, I had opened a gap. I just kept the pressure on and managed to hold the lead all the way to the finish,” Alex explained. Riding his Specialized S-Works Diverge STR, equipped with 47C Pathfinder tyres, he felt confident the setup was perfect for the mixed terrain, adding, “The suspension helped conserve energy, especially in the final
hour when fatigue started to kick in.” Alex's precise nutrition plan also played a crucial role in his success. “I aimed for around 90-100g of carbs every hour, starting with a Cadence bottle and topping up with gels and more bottles at the water points. It worked perfectly,” he said, happy with both his strategy and his overall win, which boosts his confidence heading into the season’s final races.

Johan van Zyl, despite not being able to match the pace on Swartberg Pass, delivered a solid performance, finishing 4th. "I couldn’t stay with Alex and Travis, so I focused on riding my own pace and fuelling well. It was a long day, but I’m pleased with how I managed my effort," Johan reflected. Despite fewer long-distance events under his belt this year, Johan sees every race as a step forward in his progression. A highlight of his weekend was the road trip in his Toyota Hilux, which he fondly describes as a "perfect match for the team's values—versatility, comfort, and built to handle the toughest conditions." Cherise Willeit also had a standout performance, finishing 2nd in the Elite Women’s Category. “170km is no
joke,” Cherise said, laughing. “When the group started up Swartberg Pass, I knew I had to pace myself. The climb is iconic, and being out there reminded me how lucky we are to do what we do. I was grateful to have my Oakley Sphaera sunglasses with polarized lenses as the weather kept switching from sunny to
foggy—it made a world of difference.” Cherise worked with a cooperative group of riders, cresting Swartberg Pass in 5th place before making her move in the final 20km. “I had to dig deep on the last climb to open a gap, and I’m thrilled to finish
2nd, especially as my form is steadily coming back.” Cherise’s bike choice, the Specialized S-Works Diverge, once again proved its mettle, offering the perfect balance between stiffness and comfort for the race’s diverse terrain. "The Future Shock system was a lifesaver on the rougher sections," she added. With strong performances across the board, the Toyota Specialized Racing Team continues to make waves this season, with their riders and equipment proving to be up for any challenge. Special thanks to Toyota, Specialized, Van H, Ikhambi, Cadence Nutrition, Oakley bike and Squirt Lube for their ongoing support—none of this would be possible without them.

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